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liberamente ispirato al Requiem K626 di W.A. Mozart
per Orchestra e Bacchetta Interattiva
Favorite Ovetures Giuseppe Verdi Partitura Completa
Sinfonie e Preludi da Opere Giuseppe Verdi Partitura Completa
Messa da Requiem Giuseppe Verdi Partitura Completa
Samuel Barber's best-known work has become an icon of contemporary orchestral literature. Jamin Hoffman's arrangement now makes this landmark work [...]
Gruppo musicale: archi Edizione: Partitura e voci Componitore: Ennio Morricone Difficoltà: (medio)
Gruppo musicale: archi Edizione: Partitura e voci Componitore: Ennio Morricone Difficoltà: (medio)
Andrea Bocelli's signature song has become an international hit and has great appeal with all audiences. Your string orchestra will enjoy Ted [...]
The hauntingly beautiful theme from one of Hollywood's best series of films is ideal programming for a string orchestra who enjoys dramatic film [...]
La Forza del Destino Giuseppe Verdi Partitura Completa
Sting's gentle moving song has become an airwave favorite and works great for strings. Easy to play and quick to rehearse, it is a perfect choice for [...]
Irving Berlin's perennial favorite is presented here by master writer John Moss, whose creative touch continues to be a choice for directors who seek [...]
Disney's newest adventure film has become this year's "must-see" for audiences of all ages. Ted Ricketts adapted the film score for string ensembles [...]
Compositore: Elton John Arrangiatore:Calvin Custer Strumentazione: Ensemble di archi UPC: 073999477986 Editore: Hal Leonard Collana: Pop Specials [...]
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